During this event, there were only 13,800 people who turned up to vote in the election out of a total population of about 940,000. Because the British only allowed those who were born in Singapore to vote, some who was eligible to vote, did not took part in the voting as it was not compulsory.

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This was the first step towards democracy in singapore, and also a big step singapore took, having someone to represent our country and slowly it will continue to grow, as it grow , many more achievements are made hence we should be proud of our country ! because of the past we have the best future. The past affects the future and because there were leadership, Singapore turns out to be a good country with inspiring motto's therefore we should be thankful to the life we have today.
Adapted from : Ministry of Education, Singapore [ 11 February 2013 ]
Photos Taken from :
[ 11 February 2013 ]
Adapted from : Ministry of Education, Singapore [ 11 February 2013 ]
Photos Taken from :
[ 11 February 2013 ]