
Singapore became involved in the Second World War. The country's entry into the war was forced upon its people. Its involvement began as an unsuccessful defence against an unexpected attack by the Japanese. The Japanese attack sank Singapore's defending British naval forces (HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse). The island previously had been so fortified by the British that Singaporeans believed themselves invulnerable [ Meaning : Having the strength to withstand attack. ] attack. The day after Pearl Harbor proved them wrong.
On 2nd December 1941, HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse arrived in singapore.
On 10th December 1941, HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse were sunk of coast of Kuantan.
Adapted from : Ministry of Education. [ 11 February 2013 ]
Website URL : http://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_did_World_War_II_start_in_Singapore . [ 11 February 2013 ]
Image URL : http://www.google.com.sg/ 11 February 2013 ]