On 15 February 1942, The surrendering to the Japanese
post Monday, 11 February 2013 speech bubble 0 comment(s)

Is the year of Chinese New year, the British had a final conference at the Fort Canning bunker. Lieutenant-General Percival wanted to discuss ways to counter attack the Japanese but his commanders was against the idea. They felt that there were too many problems and during that time their soliders was already exhausted. More lifes of men would be sacrificed if they were to engage the Japanese in street fighting. Furthermore, the British are running out of supplies of food and water. To prevent anymore bloodshed, they opted to surrender themselves to the Japanese. 
On 15 Februaty 1942, Japanese Lietenant-Colonel Sugita leded Lietenant-General Percival and his delegation to the Ford Motor Factory to negotiate the surrender terms. 

Adapted from : Ministry of Education, Singapore , History Textbook [ 11 February 2013 ]
Photo URL : http://www.google.com.sg/ [ 11 February 2013 ]

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